Let's face it: the current console generation is still pretty much new, and games made specifically for new hardware are still few and far between. Most of us are still stuck with playing older (but, most of the time, upgraded) games from previous generations, which is what brings us to this list right here: the best Xbox 360 games to try on your brand-new Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S.

A black XBox 360 wireless controller photographed on a glass table, surrounded by bowls of snacks, taken on July 9, 2013.
While already several years old, these games still hold up quite well even today, and you'd be surprised with just how good they look and run on the new hardware.
Red Dead Redemption (2010)
The original Red Dead Redemption was hailed as one of its generation's best Xbox 360 games, and that's an understatement. It was, once again, peak Rockstar Games in terms of story, world-building, and gameplay. RDR2 wouldn't be the masterpiece that it is today without this one.

red dead redemption
FTW USA Today recommends that you play this game on the Series X, mainly due to the new-gen console's Auto HDR feature and full, native 4K rendering. Red Dead Redemption has never looked this sharp and crisp before, and it's going to make you want a full new-gen remake of this game - even if it probably will never release. Ever.
But of course, the game also looks splendid on the tiny but mighty Xbox Series S as well:
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
The Metal Gear series may have started life as a PlayStation exclusive, but the HD re-release for the 7th generation was still one of the best Xbox 360 games you could play back in the day. This HD collection includes both MGS 2 and MGS 3, which are already fantastic games in their own right.
However, MGS 3 is still regarded as not just one of the best Xbox 360 games on Series X and S but also one of the greatest of all time writes IGN. Really, the only way to see whether these two games are worth the hype is to try them out for yourself.
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The Portal Series (Portal 1 And 2)
Valve's Portal series is nothing like the average first-person shooters of the day. In them, the only device you have is a portal gun that will let you create - yes, you guessed it - portals. These will help you get through a myriad of puzzles, all of which are framed inside a deep, interesting story featuring a corrupt robot named GLaDOS.
GameRant writes that these games are two of the best backwards-compatible titles on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. It's hard to just describe how good they are through words, so it would be best for you to try them out for yourself.
Left 4 Dead 2
Left 4 Dead 2 was basically the granddaddy of all co-op and zombie shooters that ever released after it. That's how influential this game is (not to mention its own predecessor). And Microsoft's decision to include this in the backwards compatible list for the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and even Xbox One is excellent.
One of the biggest things about Left 4 Dead 2 is its AI Director. It is literally an AI that adjusts the game's difficulty, dramatics, and pacing according to how good you're doing in the game. This, as a result, basically creates a new experience everytime you boot the game up. It's the main reason why despite the one-dimensional gameplay loop (all you ever do is shoot zombies), Left 4 Dead 2 never feels boring and is still one of the best Xbox 360 games of all time.