It can be tough to find the best PS3 games to stream using your new PS Plus Premium subscription, because there's really so many titles to choose from. But however big the PlayStation 3's library is, there will always be something amazing to play - and here are the ones you should absolutely check out, in no particular order.

best ps3 games list
But before we begin, take note that this list of best PS3 games on the service are only available via streaming. So to reduce your input lag and make sure you get a great experience, maybe take out everything else that might eat into your internet's bandwidth. Let's begin!
Batman: Arkham Origins
There's a reason why the Batman Arkham series is revered even to this day. The trilogy's combat, especially the one that started it all (Arkham Asylum), is just absolutely amazing. It's no wonder why the games in this trilogy rank among the best PS3 games ever - including Arkham Origins.

arkham origins
For some reason Arkham Origins is the only one included in PS Plus Premium, but it doesn't really matter. According to GameSpot, the game (while not developed by original maker Rocksteady) still pretty much gives you all of the things you'd expect a good Batman game to have: stealth, detective work, and combat.
God Of War 1 HD + God Of War 2 HD
The first two games of the now iconic God Of War series weren't actually released on the PS3 - they were on the PS2. But they were ported to the succeeding console and turned out to be two of the best PS3 games to ever release, perfect to tide you over until the eventual release of God Of War: Ragnarok.
Here's a comparison between the original God Of War on the PS2 and the HD version on the PS3, where you'll see just how the visuals stack up. While both games technically run at a smooth 60 FPS on both consoles, the PS3 version is more or less locked at 60 FPS with some slight dips, ensuring a butter-smooth experience almost the entire game. The same thing goes for God Of War 2 HD.
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Red Dead Redemption
When the original Red Dead Redemption came out for the PS3 (and Xbox 360) in 2010, it was hailed for marrying the insane detail first seen in GTA IV with a truly interactive open world - one of the biggest for its time. According to PushSquare's review, the game was full of one-off encounters with NPCs that seem to happen at random, which helps increase the believability of its open world as a whole.
Rockstar Games' re-imagining of the iconic American Wild West was considered one of the best PS3 games just for the fact that its map has something far bigger to offer than just its size. The only drawback? It can be a very slow game, so make sure your attention span isn't too small - or else, you won't fully enjoy it.
Resident Evil 4 HD
Capcom's Resident Evil 4 was almost always thought of as a "perfect" game, which is why fans are left wondering just how much Capcom can change about it with the upcoming remake. The HD version for the PlayStation 3 is no slouch on its own too, making it one of the best reasons to own a PS Plus Premium subscription these days.
Resident Evil 4 HD is a sharper take on the time the series first shifted in terms of style and tone. The only drawback here is the game's basically antiquated controls - something a lot of fans hope will be fixed in the upcoming Resident Evil 4 remake.
Related Article: Classic Sony PlayStation Games on PS Plus Premium Will Run At 60Hz in North America
This article is posted on GameNGuide
Written by RJ Pierce