"Star Citizen" will look to limit its future content roadmaps, as developer Cloud Imperium Games says fans have been getting upset over multiple delays.

Screencap from YouTube - DigThat32
In a Eurogamer report, CIG revealed that their decision to limit roadmaps for their multiplayer space sim is due to the game's "most passionate players" allegedly taking features in roadmaps as promises. They will then get upset when the said features get delayed.
As a response, Cloud Imperium Games will now no longer include said features for any updates "beyond the immediate one in the next quarter." In other words, players will only get information about upcoming add-ons, which don't tend to keep getting "shifted around" (aka moved).
But they won't be keeping their players in the dark completely. To compensate, CIG is asking users to instead check the new Progress Tracker over on the RobertsSpaceIndustries website.
The Progress Tracker, which looks like a Trello board, features specific content categories. Each category has a specific number of deliverables on them, which are put into a specific time window. Every main category is clickable, and upon clicking, you'll see the specific deliverables that the team at CIG is working on.
Here is a screenshot of the Tracker as of this writing:

Star Citizen progress tracker
According to Cloud Imperium Games, putting features into roadmaps when their release dates are unsure was "a mistake," since it reportedly puts too much attention on content that tends to move around past its initial launch window.
So far, "Star Citizen" is in its Alpha 3.16.1 version, whose patch notes can be found on RobertsSpaceIndustries.com.
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Will A 'Star Citizen' Release Date Ever Come At All?
When it began life as a Kickstarter project way back in 2012, "Star Citizen" originally promised a November 2014 release date. Well, 10 years and over $400 million of funding from backers later, the game remains in a playable Alpha state with no indication of a full-scale launch.
However, it seems like the team at CIG is still not done building their ambitious space sim. Earlier this year, the dev team revealed an equally ambitious five-year plan, which Eurogamer reports is intended to help develop multiple sequels to the star-studded Squadron 42 single-player campaign.
But in order to keep working on the game, CIG is also announcing an expansion to its workforce. Last year, the company announced its plans to open a massive new studio in Manchester in the United Kingdom, which is meant to house a 1,000-strong development team.
According to the report by NME, the expansion is set to open this May and will integrate with the current 400-person dev team working on "Star Citizen '' in the nearby town of Wilmslow. All in all, CIG plans to house 1,000 new workers in the new Manchester studio by 2026, which likely means that a definitive "Star Citizen" release date is still years away.
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Written by RJ Pierce