Riot Games released the patch notes for League of Legends' Patch 12.1 Update, which is the first patch update that the multiplayer online battle arena game will receive for this year.
The said patch note revealed a small list of Champions whose stats and skills will be receiving nerfs and buffs, as well as system balance changes for several of its items and Summoner Skills.
Champion Nerfs, Buffs
In total, there will be four Champions in League of Legends that will be receiving balance changes courtesy of the Patch 12.1 Update. Two of which will be receiving nerfs, while the other two will be receiving buffs.
📒 Patch 12.1 Highlights!
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) January 4, 2022
Full patch notes here 👇https://t.co/dXhahYpg16 pic.twitter.com/9qKQ4BbpA7
According to DBLTap, Sona, one of the two nerfed Champions, will have its armor growth reduced from 3.3 to 3, while the cooldown for her Song of Celerity E skill will be increased from 12 seconds to 14 seconds.
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According to the patch notes released in the game's website, the said Champion has been overperforming in skilled play and pushing the limit in other brackets since the changes made for the Archangel's Staff during the preseason, hence the said nerfs.
Another Champion that will receive nerfs is Rek'Sai, which its Unborrowed E skill, Furious Bite, will have its base damage adjusted from 50/60/70/80/90 with +85% bonus AD to 55/60/65/70/75 with +85% bonus AD.
Its Burrowed E skill, Tunnel, will have its cooldown increased from 26/23/20/17/14 seconds to 26/24/22/20/18 seconds.
The reason for the said nerfs, according to the developers, is that the said Champion is "a bit too strong" in skilled play, especially when players maxed its E skill, both Unborrowed and Borrowed.
On the other hand, according to Sportskeeda, Diana, one of the two Champions that will be buffed by the Patch 12.1 Update, will have the AP ratio of its Moonsilver Blade passive skill increased from 40% to 50%, while its monster damage ratio will be increased from 250% to 300%.
The reason for this is that they have enjoyed playing as the said Champion in the Jungle lane, despite being distinctly underpowered.
Finally, Gangplank's Parrrley Q skill will have its mana cost and cooldown decreased from 60/55/50/45/40 to 55/50/45/40/35 and from five seconds to four seconds, respectively.
Developers said that they want the players to use the said skill more often as it is not as powerful in lane after its Grasp of the Undying rune was nerfed since the last update.
System Changes
Aside from the Champion nerfs and buffs, the Patch 12.1 Update will also bring in other changes in League of Legends, including ones for its items.
According to NME, the Force of Nature item will have its Absorb stock duration and its Dissipate magic damage reduction increased from 5 seconds to 7 seconds and from 20% to 25%, respectively.
The cooldown for the Eclipse's Ever Rising Moon (Melee) will be increased from 6 seconds to 8 seconds, while the attack damage provided from Immortal Shieldbow, as well as its Lifeline shield, will be decreased from 55 to 50 and from 300-800, based on level, to 275-650, based on level, respectively.
The build path for the Wit's End will be changed from "Hearthbound Axe + Negatron Cloak + Long Sword + 750 Gold" to "Hearthbound Axe + Null-Magic Mantle + Pickaxe + 675 Gold," while its provided magic resist was decreased from 50 to 40.
Finally, the Teleport skill will have its cooldown decreased from 420-210 seconds, based on level, to 360 seconds at all levels, while they added the Unleashed Teleport, where it will transform the default Teleport once the tower plating falls at 14 minutes.
With the said skill, they can teleport towards the locations of any allied towers, minions, wards, and certain allied constructs.
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