Grand Theft Auto Online's "The Contract" Expansion added in new in-game content to the online multiplayer open-world action-adventure game.
This included celebrity cameos and a post-launch Radio Station update, which contains a new investable business, as well as other new narrative content.
Included in the said narrative content is a VIP missions that the game will give to players, all of which will involve around retrieving Dr. Dre's stolen data, as well as defending his studio against several attackers.
Once they have completed it, they will a hefty amount of money, as well as 50% GTA$ and RP bonus courtesy of the game's recent Weekly Update.
Unlocking the VIP Missions
In order to get the said VIP Missions, they must unlock it first. To do this, according to PCGamesN, they need to open first their in-game phone, then navigate the "Dynasty8 Executive" website either via the sponsored advertisement or the "Money and Services" tab.
Once they are in the said website, according to FTW, they will purchase either one of these buildings - the Vespucci Canals ($2,145,000), the Rockford Hills ($ 2,415,000), the Little Seoul ($2,010,000), or the Hawick ($2,830,000).
After purchasing it, they will enter the building that they have bought, and they will enter their office upstairs. From there, they will use the computer, and access the two security contracts. They must play these two through the Public Session.
Once they have cleared them, Franklin will call them, telling them to meet Dr. Dre in the Los Santos Golf Course, which will be marked in the west of their mini-map. Once they are in the location, they will need to complete the "On Course" mission.
Afterwards, according to Gosunoob.com. Franklin will call them again, telling them that there is a contract for a VIP Mission in their office's computer. Then, they must go back to the said office, and access the mission.
How to Clear Them
The objective of the first VIP Mission, which they need to clear in Grand Theft Auto Online, is to recover Dr. Dre's phone.
In order to do this, according to Hold to Reset, they must first transport themselves to the FIB Building through a helicopter. They will fly to the east of map until they saw the said building.
Once they land the helicopter on the building's helipad, they will break in to the building, then they will make their way to the left towards the communication room. From there, they will plant an explosive at the door, then they will trigger it to explode.
Once the door is blown off from its hinges, they will go towards a computer, then they interact to it in order to install a virus.
As the virus is installing in the computer, they need to defend it against the building's security that is approaching towards the room by shooting them down, while taking cover at the back.
Once the area is cleared, they will get the Hard Drive in the same communications room, then they will run towards the exit of the building, which will take them to the roof of the building.
From there, they can either take the helicopter or fall and glide down using a parachute in order not to be followed by the cops, as well as to traverse towards their purchased building.
Once they have not been followed, they will run towards their office while they are holding the hard drive, recovering the data, and completing the first set of VIP missions.
For the second set, they will wait again for Franklin to call them. Afterwards, they will accept the said set of VIP Missions, which will let them engage in three leaks in three separate places - Nightlife, High Society, and South Central. All of these leaks will involve on Intel and Heists.
Once they have completed all of these Leaks, they will wait for Franklin's call in order to trigger the "Studio Time" mission, which they need to drive their way towards Record A Studios, and shoot the gunmen that is invading the said recording studio.
Then, Dr. Dre will ask you to terminate Johnny Guns for him. Afterwards, they will chase Johnny down until they have reached the Los Santos International Airport, where they will grab him.
Once they have caught Johnny, they will bring him to Dr. Dre so that he could beat him with a golf club.
Afterwards, they will drive him to the Pacific Bluff Country Club to finish the mission, and the VIP Contract as well. Receive a GTA$1,000,000, an access to the recording studio, and thanks to the game's Weekly Update, a 50% GTA$ and RP bonus.
READ ALSO: 'GTA Online' Weekly Update Guide: New Cars, Bonuses, Discounts, and More Things Players could Expect