In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, players need to level up the Pokemon in their possession in order to make them learn new moves, as well as to increase their stats like their stamina, attack, and defense, and to evolve them into new and stronger Pokemon.
There are many ways for a Pokemon to gain EXP in order to level up in the game. Battling wild Pokemon, as well as Trainers, is one of the said ways, but this is a long and tedious process that it could take hours of gameplay to do so, even if one of them is holding the EXP Share.
However, there are other ways that they can do in Brilliant Diamon and Shining Pearl in order to gain an amount of EXP for their owned Pokemon fast.
Ways to Get EXP Fast
One of the ways to get EXP fast in Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl is by grinding in the Iron Island with Riley as their partner, which they can do while they are still progressing in the game's main story. Players can travel to the said island via ship from Canalave City.
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According to Digital Trends, before sailing towards the island, they will speak to the sailor that is on the city's docks, then the non-playable character (NPC) will join them as their partner in order to beat the Team Galactic grunts that are in the area.
For every wild Pokemon, or Trainers, that they will encounter while Riley was their partner, it will become a Double Battle, which will give them double EXP gain.
Riley can also fully heal their team's HP and PP after every battle by talking to him, which means it will save them effort of running towards a nearby Pokemon Center just to recover.
Another method that they can do is to have a Key Item called the Vs. Seeker, which they can pick up on Route 207 after beating Team Galactic grunts in Eterna City, as well as obtaining a bicycle.
When they use the item, they can face any Trainer that they have battled before in an area, which will be determined by two exclamation points above their heads instead of one.
The said item has a recharge mechanic where they can use it again after walking 100 steps, and it cannot trigger if they are inside caves or buildings, as well as those that are on Victory Road.
Making a Pokemon held a Lucky Egg is another good way to farm EXP fast, as this item will boost the amount of EXP it would get from battles by 1.5x.
This boost can be stocked, which means that a team of six Pokemon holding six of these items can receive a total of 9x the EXP boost.
Another way to earn large amounts of EXP in the game fast, according to Gameranx, is to find the Ace Trainer with a Level 54 Chansey in Route 228. Defeating said trainer will give them a total amount of 4,000 to 5,000 EXP.
They can also fight their rival in the Battle Tower, where it can also give them a high amount of EXP, however they can do this once per day.
Finally, according to Segment Next, they can use large amounts of Rare Candies on Pokemon to increase their levels to 1. This method can be a good backup plan if they do not want to roam around battle wild Pokemon.