Aside from gathering resources, building resources, and hunting for food, players in Icarus also need to craft several equipment that they will use in their adventures, including weapons.
At the start of their journey in the online survival game, they can craft bows, arrows, and knives. But, as they progress further in Icarus, they will notice that they need to have better weapons for them to use in hunting, as well as defending themselves from wild animals.
Because of this, they need to craft firearms such as pistols and hunting rifles, as well as its ammunitions. But in order to do so, they need to unlock them in the game's tech tree, as well as gather the resources needed.
How to Craft Firearms, Gunpowder in Icarus
In order to craft the aforementioned firearms in Icarus, they need to unlock first the Tier 3 of the tech tree by reaching to Level 20. Once unlocked, they can now obtain the blueprints for the pistol, the shotgun, and the bolt-motion rifle, along with its respective ammunitions.
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According to Game Rawe, these weapons can be crafted in the Machining Bench, whose blueprint is also under the tech tree's Tier 3.
For a pistol, they need 8 pieces of wood, 8 pieces of leather, 20 steel ingots, 4 epoxies, and 8 steel screws, while for its pistol round, they need only 1 iron ingot and 1 gunpowder.
For a shotgun, they need 12 pieces of wood, 8 pieces of leather, 26 steel ingots, 4 epoxies, and 10 steel screws, while for its buckshot shell, they need only 1 copper ingot, 1 epoxy, and 8 gunpowder.
Finally, for the bolt-action rifle, they need 12 pieces of wood, 8 pieces of leather, 40 steel ingots, 4 epoxies, and 10 steel screws, while for its rifle round, they need only 1 iron ingot and 1 gunpowder, and for its incendiary rifle round, they need only one iron ingot and 10 gunpowder.
Once they know the materials needed to craft the weapons, they need to gather them. For wood, which is one of the abundant resources in Icarus, they can cut down trees within their area.
As for the steel ingots, according to PC Invasion, they need to mine for 6 iron ores or 3 iron ingots, as well as coal, in caves. Once they have the said resources, they will use a mortar and pestle to grind them until they create steel blooms.
The said grinding tools, which is unlocked after they reached the tech tree's Tier 2, requires 4 silica and a stone to craft one.
Then, they will need to refine steel blooms into steal ingots. To do this, they need to build first a Concrete Furnace, which can be also crafted in the Machinist Bench.
To craft this, they need 12 iron ingots, 8 pieces of ropes, 12 epoxies, and 20 concrete mixes. For the concrete mix, they need 1 tree sap, 8 stones, and 4 silica, and can be created with the help of the Concrete Mixer, which requires 50 pieces of wood, 40 stones, 20 iron ingots, 8 pieces of ropes, and 8 iron nails.
As for the epoxy, they will need to grind and mix 2 sulfur and 4 tree saps, which they can extract one from four pieces of sticks, in the mortar and pestle.
Once they built the Concrete Furnace, according to eip.gg, they will place the blooms there, and wait for few seconds until they got the steel ingots, which they can also use to craft steel screws.
Next, they will craft the gunpowder, which essential for the weapons' ammunitions. To do this, they need to grind 1 piece of sulfur and 3 pieces of charcoal in the mortal and pestle.
They can get sulfur by mining on sulfur deposits in open areas, while they can have charcoal after burning wood or sticks, especially from a campfire.
Once they got the materials, including the metals that they have mined from the caves such as the copper and iron ores, as well as the rope that they have crafted from 12 pieces of fiber, they can now start crafting the weapons, and their ammunitions, in the Machining Bench.
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