Fortnite enters its Chapter 3 Season 1 with new additional in-game content, including new maps, items such as new Character Skins, and a new seasonal Battle Pass.
Another addition that was included in the first-person shooting game courtesy of its new season are the Victory Crowns which will act as a reward system for players who rose to the top during every Battle Royale match.
What are the Victory Crowns
As mentioned earlier, the Victory Crowns are one of the additions for Fortnite's Chapter 3 Season 1.
-Place highly enough in a match and you’ll receive a Victory Crown.
— FortniteNewsC3 | Season 3 Leaks & News (@FortniteNewsC3) December 5, 2021
-You’ll start your next match wearing a crown
-The crown will shine -Hold on to your crown for bonus XP during the match
-Win while wearing the crown, you'll get an exclusive Emote#Fortnite #FortniteNews pic.twitter.com/kpX3wECkWl
These rare cosmetics cannot be easily accessed by its players, because according to a post in the game's website, these are given to those who placed highly enough in a Battle Royale match.
These, according to Gamespot, include those who finished at or near towards the top of a Solo, Duos, Trios, and Squads, such like being part of the top players in the said matches, but not necessarily be on the first place.
Once they got the said top spot, and won the said item, the players who have the Victory Crowns will enter their next game while wearing them.
However, having the said crown will come with a cost, as they will be more noticeable by other players in the match they are participating because of an aura that will be emitting after wearing the Victory Crown.
Once players killed those who had the crown, according to PC Gamer the said item will be dropped as part of the ground loot, along with weapons and armor.
How to Get the Crown
In order to get the Victory Crown, players must score a top spot in a Battle Royale match in Fortnite, either being one of the top four players in Solo, one of the players in the top two teams in Duos, or one of the players in the winning team in either Trios or Squads.
Once they got the crown, according to Dual Shockers, they will be granted an additional XP boost, but they be having the aforementioned aura, making them visible to other players.
Once they have won any Battle Royale match, either Solo, Duos, Trios, or Squads, and survived while wearing the crown, they will earn an exclusive emote.
On the oher hand, if they are killed, they will lost the crown, as well as the XP boost.
What to Expect in Season 3 Chapter 1
Aside from the Victory Crowns, Fortnite's Season 3 Chapter 1 had also brought in other additions to the shooting game.
This included a new map that features new Points of Interest (POIs). The two thirds of the said new map, according to DBLTap, is covered with snow and ice, which it will not be last for long as it will thaw over the course of the said new season.
In the snowy locations are the new POIs, Greasy Grove and Logjam Lumberyard, which is located in the south and northeastern corners in the map. Players can also travel to Camp Cuddle, which they can unleash their inner camper, and Shifty Shafts.
Realigning with the new chapter's lore is the Sactuary, a new POI is located in the west of the map, and it is said to be the headquarters of The Seven.
On the other hand, The Daily Bugle Building, which is covered with spider webs, was seen in the said map, signifying the arrival of Spiderman in Fortnite.
A new seasonal Battle Pass is also included in the game, where players can nab rewards after unlocking its Tiers. One of the said rewards, according to Space.com, is a crescent moon-theme Ronin Character Outfit, which they can earn if they got enough Battle Stars from the said pass.
Other additions that were included in Fortnite for its Season 3 Chapter 1, according to Forbes, included tents that they can pitch in any area to heal themselves and store their items, Mid-Mists and Guzzle Juices that they can use to heal themselves or their teammates, vaults, and Quadcrushers.
The Ranger assault rifle was also included in Fortnite alongside the MK-SEVEN assault rifle, the Striker pump shotgun, the Stinger sub-machine gun, and the Hunter bolt-action sniper rifle.
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