Trainers in Pokemon Go will be facing something "mega" at the start of its Season of Heritage, as Mega Steelix will be appearing for the first time in the game's Mega Raids.
The Mega Evolution form of the Steel/Ground-type Iron Snake Pokemon, according to a post in the game's website, will be in the said Raid every 10:00 AM, local time, and it will last until December 23rd. If they are lucky during those hours, they might even face, and caught, its Shiny version.
Weakness, Counters
As mentioned earlier, Mega Steelix is the Mega Evolved form of Steelix, a Steel/Ground-type Pokemon.
According to Eurogamer, it is vulnerable against Water, Grass, Ice, Fire, Fighting, and Ground-Type Pokemon, as well as moves that are based from these Types.
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Because of this fact alone, Trainers can now formulate a Pokemon team that can counter Mega Steelix during the Mega Raids. But, according to Comicbook, they need to take account its high Health stat, hence they need larger beaters for the job.
According to Dual Shockers, they can consider adding either Charizard (Fire Spin, Blast Burn), Moltres (Fire Spin, Overheat), Entei (Fire Fang, Overheat), or Ho-Oh (Incinerate, Fire Blast) in their Pokemon team, as well as either Therian Form Landorous (Mud Shot, Earthquake) or Groudon (Mud Shot, Earthquake).
They can also include either Blastoise (Water Gun, Hydro Cannon), Swampert (Water Gun, Hydro Cannon), or Gyarados (Waterfall, Hydro Pump), as well as either Machamp (Counter, Dynamic Punch), Lucario (Counter, Aura Sphere), Hariyama (Counter, Dynamic Punch) or Conkelduur (Counter, Dynamic Punch).
Other Pokemon options that the Trainers might consider to add in their team, according to Pokebattler, include Mega Houndoom (Fire Fang, Flamethrower), Shadow Salamence (Fire Fang, Hydro Pump), Mega Lopunny (Low Kick, Focus Blast), Mega Blastoise (Water Gun, Hydro Cannon), and Shadow Magmortar (Fire Spin, Fire Punch).
According to pokemongohub.com, they can also consider bringing in either Feraligatr (Water Gun, Hydro Cannon), Kyogre (Waterfall, Surf), Samurott (Waterfall, Hydro Cannon), Kingler (Bubble, Crabhammer), Heatran (Fire Spin, Flamethrower), Darmanitan (Fire Fang, Overheat), Blaziken (Counter, Blast Burn), and Chandelure (Fire Spin, Overheat).
Finally, they can add either Garchomp (Mud Shot, Earth Power), Excadrill (Mud-Slap, Drill Run), Breloom (Counter, Dynamic Punch), or Pirouette Meloetta (Low Kick, Close Combat) to their Pokemon team.
They will also need to keep in mind that in order to beat Mega Steelix, they need to bring up to three co-Trainers with them during the Raid.
Stats, Best Moveset
Once they caught this Pokemon, Trainers must know Mega Steelix's stats, as well as the movesets that are suitable for several situations, such as Player-versus-Player (PvP) battles.
According to pokemongohub.net, the said Mega Evolved Pokemon has a 327 Health, 212 Attack, and 181 Defence. If it hits Level, its maximum CP will reach to 3630.
As for its moveset, the best move choices for Mega Steelix are Iron Tail and Heavy Slam for its Fast and Charge Moves, respectively, due to its optimal damage per second (DPS), as well as both of them can give a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB).
Other options for its Fast Move include Thunder Fang and Dragon Tail, while for its Charge Moves, they can choose either Earthquake or Crunch.