Throughout the years, Evolution is one of the main staples in every Pokemon game ever existed, and Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is no exception.
Much like its preceding games, it gives its players the opportunity to evolve Pokemon that are in their possession.
There are many ways to do this. They can evolve a Pokemon through normal progression, or evolving it after reaching a certain level by constantly battling wild Pokemon and Trainers that are in the Sinnoh region.
They can also evolve them through the use of Evolution Stones, which are scattered throughout the said region.
In Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, there are nine kinds of Evolution Stones that they need to find, each will evolve a certain number Pokemon.
Where to Find the Evolution Stones
As mentioned earlier, there are nine Evolution Stones that players can use to evolve their Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
There is the original Fire, Water, Leaf, Thunder and Moon Stones, along with the new Dusk, Dawn, Shiny, and Oval Stones.
In order to get the Fire Stone, according to Clutch Points, they must go to the Route 205, which is right next to the Valley Windworks.
From there, they will go to a bridge, then they will use Surf to go towards west until they reach the Fuego Ironworks.
There are two Fire Stones in this location. For the first one, they will navigate through a maze of booster pads until they reach Fuego, where they will to him in order to obtain.
The second Fire Stone, on the other hand, will be on the far right side of the said maze, which is near the blue-colored freight box. In order to reach the said area, they will need to solve the tile puzzle that is on the floor of the area.
Once they got the Fire Stone, according to Segment Next, they can use it on Eevee to evolve into Flareon, on Growlithe to evolve into Arcanine, and on Vulpix to evolve into Ninetails
For the Water Stone, according to Dot Esports, they need to use Surf from a beach, which is in south of the Route 213, then go towards south, while passing a line of rocks, until they will find a floating shallow island with a labyrinth-like pathway.
Once they entered the island, they will go to its eastern side until they will encounter a Sailor Trainer, who they will fight against.
After defeating him, they will use Surf again, but this one, they will surf briefly until they will see two Trainers in the middle of the water path.
As they approached them, they will see two Pokeballs, one of each are behind the said Trainers. They will then go towards the said Pokeballs and grab them.
Each of these will contain the Water Stone, which can be used to evolve Eevee, Lombre, Shellder, Stary, and Poliwhirl into Vaporeon, Ludicolo, Cloyster, Starmie, and Polywrath, respectfully.
For the Leaf Stone, they will surf from the Fuego Ironworks across the waters towards the south until they have reached the northern entrance of the Floaroma Meadows, which they can also access by travelling north from the Floaroma Town.
If they have entered the area through the north side and saw a set of stairs, they will keep following its downward path, then towards the yellow and purple flowers until they will find a Pokeball that contains the Leaf Stone.
Once they got the said Evolution Stone, they will use to evolve Eevee, Gloom, Nuzleaf, Weepinbell, and Exeggcute into Leafeon, Vileplume, Shiftry, Victreebel, and Exeggcutor, respectfully.
In order to get a Thunder Stone, they will need to head towards the Sunyshore City in order to look for the Lighthouse.
Then, they will follow the solar panel pathway, then they will go down the stairs in order to access the area right behind the said Lighthouse.
Once they are in the area, they will go towards the bottom of said stairs, right beside the huge rock on the left side near the waters, where the Thunder Stone is located.
Once they got the Thunder Stone, they will use it in order to evolve Pikachu into Raichu and Eevee into Jolteon.