'Hearthstone's ' Lead Designer Talks About Patch 7.1, Ranking, Nerfs & Jade Concerns

'Hearthstone's ' Lead Designer Talks About Patch 7.1, Ranking, Nerfs & Jade Concerns

"Hearstone's" lead designer Dean Ayala shared a few things that players would expect once the game's latest patch rolls out.  Patch 7.1 is expected to arrive anytime this month and will include changes in ladder play, nerfs and other Jade concerns.

The lead designer decided to go live recently to answer directly the concerns of the players.  Many fans asked the same question, about how the powerful-focused decks would react when two upcoming nerfs take effect on the game, PCGamesN reported.

Ayala explained that the Jade decks are meta dependent, and based on their predictions, the latest patch will not make the deck in question strong even when pitted against aggressive ones.  Any percentage that will make the Jade decks a little slow is a good thing.

"Jade decks still aren't great vs highly aggressive pirate decks, even after changing small-time buccaneer, Ayala wrote during the Q&A.  "If pirates are still played at the same volume they are now, I don't imagine Jade will be very strong. We can play test every matchup in the game between the 3-4 of us but that won't tell us the exact rate at which each deck will be played on ladder, though it does put us in a good position to make a reasonable prediction," the designer added.

Several balancing changes are expected on the upcoming "Hearthstone" patch.  Players can expect that the two cards called Small-Time Buccaneer and Spirit Claws to be more competitive and less aggressive.  Among the two, the Buccanner is a staple for a pirate-themed deck and is hostile when a player was able to weaponize it.  Thus, Blizzard, the game developer, plans to deduct a point from its health to make it easier for other players with different decks, according to a report from Kotaku.

Meanwhile, the Sprit Claws will gain two attack points if it is paired with a Spell Power card. The upcoming adjustment will open up options to players - whether to continue to push Spirit Claws either as a Totem Golem or as a Maelstrom Portal.

Ranking will also be more appealing once the "Hearthstone" patch arrives.  There will now be checkpoints at key milestones, which will prevent players from sliding down the ladder again even when suffering a losing streak.  The rank milestones are set to an increment at every fifth level. Watch "Hearthstone" Update 7.1 ranked Play and Card changes:


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