Battlefield 4 News: New Screens Pop Up for Naval Strike DLC, Carrier Assault Detailed [IMAGES]

New Shots Tease Next Week's Arrival of Battlefield 4's Naval Strike DLC

We already got a quick peek at some of the environments and vehicles expected in Battlefield 4's next DLC, Naval Strike, and now, and few more images have since popped up on Reddit. They're considerably more tranquil, so enjoy the serenity now before they all erupt in a blaze of gunfire and explosions.

DICE had previously offered up scant details on Naval Strike in a Battlelog post last month.

As written in the post, "In this expansion, you'll experience intense water-based combat as the Chinese armada takes the fight to the sea. You'll have access to new weapons, gadgets, and amphibious vehicles, and four all-new maps - Lost Island, Nansha Strike, Wave Breaker, and Operation Mortar."'s Expansion section had a bit more to offer:

"Battlefield 4 Naval Strike takes the intense and dramatic water-based combat introduced in Battlefield 4 to four all-new maps set in the South China Sea. Blow open a crashed passenger plane and capture fishing villages across the tropical Lost Islands. Drop a submarine on your foes as you infiltrate a naval base or rush between shipping docks and rocky islands on the massive Wave Breaker map. Wage war across stormy seas in the largest ocean stretch in a Battlefield map yet with Nansha Strike. Storm an abandoned cliff-side resort, or get lost in the breathtaking vistas in Operation Mortar.

Key Features

* 4 all-new multiplayer maps set in the South China Sea: Lost Islands, Nansha Strike, Wave Breaker & Operation Mortar
* 5 weapons all-new to Battlefield 4
* Introducing the amphibious hovercraft vehicle
* 2 additional gadgets - 3GL (3 grenade launcher) attachment for the Assault class, and the Anti-Heli Mine; an aircraft disabling projectile for the Engineer class
* Carrier Assault game mode, which is a re-imagining of the classic Battlefield 2142 Titan Mode, and 10 new assignments with unlocks for each

About that Carrier Assault mode, DICE offered up details on the mode in a Battlelog post earlier this month. According to Lead Gameplay Designer Gustav Halling, "There are two ways of destroying the enemy carrier: either by full map control or assaulting the carrier as infantry. Each round is divided into 2 stages, starting with map control and ending with carrier attack."

 "Both teams start on their own carrier and race to control the missile launchers placed on the map, by capturing the control points near them. This will automatically launch missiles towards the enemy carrier throughout the round, eventually destroying its hull and making it open for infantry attacks.

"When this happens for one or both teams, the carrier assault state is started. The team can then either drive a boat out to the carrier and climb aboard, or use the parachute spawn points above it. Once inside, the team must destroy two M-COM stations, which will open up new areas to the carrier, with the engine room being the final one.

"Destroying the two M-COM's, or bringing down the carrier hull's health to 0%, will win the match for your team."

Naval Strike is set to release for Premium players next week, March 18, and to everyone else on April 1. After that, two more DLC packs are scheduled for a release this summer - Dragon's Teeth and Final Stand.

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