'Fire Emblem Heroes’ Guide: How To Level Up Fast

'Fire Emblem Heroes’ Guide: How To Level Up Fast

In “Fire Emblem Heroes”, it is vital for the player to level up their units so they can defeat stronger opponents in the game. There are different ways how to level up heroes like completing maps, defeating enemies, and by experience earned for the units. So this article will guide players how to level up a hero as fast as possible in the game.

When a player chooses the battle they fight, Primagames reports they must carefully think which hero, weapon and color to use. It is good to keep in mind the weapon triangles where a good combination can increase the chances of a fight. For instance, Red units are likely to win over Green, Blue units have the potential to win over Red and Green over Blue. Players making sure that they always have the upper hand will increase their percentage of winning.

Balancing the use of the heroes in each battle will make sure that each one will earn their own experience. In this way, all the player’s heroes will be with the same level so each one can contribute in every battle. If the player uses one hero more than the rest, there will come a time when that hero goes down and there no other hero is good enough to continue the fight.

Another way to level up a hero is according to US Gamer is by visiting the training tower and completing its chapters. Of course, players need to unlock every floor to continue their training but the effort is all worth it as their heroes level up quickly. In addition, players will also receive badges and Shards that is needed to improve the hero.

The last but definitely not the least way to level up a character quickly in “Fire Emblem Heroes” is by upgrading the player’s castle. Each fight rewards bonus experience that accumulates to level up the player’s team and do better in battles.

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