Nintendo ‘Switch’ News & Updates: Trailer Highlights Upcoming Games, Release Of Superbowl Ad

Nintendo ‘Switch’ News & Updates: Trailer Highlights Upcoming Games, Release Of Superbowl Ad

The Nintendo “Switch” was one of last year’s most anticipated announcements. Enter 2017 and Nintendo finally made an official reveal of the product together with tech specs and future expectations. Now, Nintendo has revealed even more information about its newest console. With their reveals, there also comes a series of unmet expectations.

Game Rant has announced some of the titles which can be expected to be made available for the Nintendo “Swtich” in the coming months. Even though “Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” is a sure hit, there are still some worries surrounding the console’s future. The biggest worries come from the lack of exclusive content to attract customers. The new “Legend of Zelda” and “Mario Kart 8” are great games on their own, but everyone is able to play them on the WiiU, without having to spend a few hundred dollars on new hardware. The same concern comes also with Bethesda’s “The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim”. “Arms” is presented as one of the titles that can attract customers, but the merit of the game does not live more than one of a demo-title. Nintendo have placed themselves in a most uncomfortable position, where they have become their own biggest threat and this rarely leads to something positive.

Attack of the Fanboy shares that Nintendo has released a Superbowl commercial, spending a few million dollars on a campaign, which will probably not have such great effects on sales.  The Superbowl may offer audience in the hundred millions, but it is composed of mixed demographic, which always has its backlash on advertisement campaigns. Another point working against Nintendo is the utter lack of remarkableness of their ad video. It is a standard show of a gaming console of which you either know, or will not be much interested in knowing about.

3Tech shares the biggest problem with the promotional campaign of Nintendo “Switch”. That is, of course, the same problem which plagues the NES Classic, insufficient numbers available worldwide. Even though the Nintendo “Switch” is among the best selling products of big retailers, Nintendo has failed to secure additional consoles for pre-order, which puts strain on possible buyers and will turn away others. Nintendo “Switch” will be released on March 3, 2017 – Worldwide.

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