Dark Souls II Rated T For Teen By ESRB

Dark Souls II Gets an ESRB Rating of 'Teen'

Gamer indignation, start your engines! The ESRB has today released its rating for the highly anticipated Dark Souls II and it's (drum roll, please) T for Teen!

Wait- what? Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are both known for being incredibly dark and violent games and the trailer for Dark Souls II shows more of the same, so how can this be?

Well according to the ESRB site - "This is a role-playing game in which players assume the role of an undead fighter in the realm of Drangleic. Players traverse dungeon-like settings and battle a variety of fantastical enemies (e.g., ghouls, zombies, skeletons, giant rats) to gain souls. Players use knives, swords, and arrows to defeat enemies. Combat is highlighted by cries of pain and small splashes of blood. Some locations depict instances of blood and gore: a giant snake boss holding its severed head; a giant boss creature composed of hundreds of corpses; dead ogres near a pool of blood; a torture device with streaks of blood. During the course of the game, a boss creature appears partially topless (e.g. hair barely covering breasts). The words 'bastard' and "pr*ck" can be heard in the dialogue."

So is it possibly because you're slaughtering monsters instead of humans that the violence in the game is ok? Ratings systems are weird like that. Also the lesser curses are usually allowed, so stick an f-bomb in there and you're guaranteed a Mature ratin. But hey, kill thousands of living nightmares and get the kids involved!

Still though, that Teen rating is bad news for the game, solely because you can hear the gamer outcry pouring out already. After all, "mature" gamers need mature games.

Dark Souls II is still the best reason to hold onto your Xbox 360 or PS3. March 14th, people.

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