T-Mobile Latest News & Update: Taking The Lead On Permanently Disabling Galaxy Note 7; US 100% Saved From Battery Explosion?

T-Mobile Latest News & Update: Taking The Lead On Permanently Disabling Galaxy Note 7; US 100% Saved From Battery Explosion?

Following the previous news that Samsung will be pushing an update for the Galaxy Note 7 in US that will permanently disable the said device, T-Mobile has already confirmed that it plans to be releasing the update on the said device.

It can be remembered that, Galaxy Note 7 hit the market in the middle of August. At that time, Samsung was expecting to solidify its lead in the mobile market after an impressive showing with its Galaxy Note 7.

Then came the issue on battery problems. It was at this moment where units have been reported to overheat and catch a fire which then made Samsung to issue a global recall of Galaxy Note 7 in September. However, even some of the unit-replacements were having the same problem.

Because of this, Samsung again made a second recall in the middle of October and has decided to permanently stop the production of the device. After that, the company offered owners of Galaxy Note 7 a $100 as an exchange for such device for another Samsung phone.

This November, in a effort to get back the units purchased, Samsung started limiting Galaxy Note 7's charging abilities in US which prevents the devices from charging past 60%. In fact, GameNGuide have also reported that the said company even had a pop-up notification.

Now, T-Mobile will be one of the telecommunication companies to take the lead on releasing the update. In fact T-Mobile added in a statement provided by Cnet that "We always want to do the right thing and make sure our customers are safe, so on December 27 we will roll out Samsung's latest software update, which is designed to stop all remaining Note 7 devices from charging."

Clearly the statement of T-Mobile suggests that it would be supporting Samsung's campaign on permanently disabling Galaxy Note 7 in US. Now US will be a lot safer with this long-time problem

Until then, since Samsung already have issued the software update that permanently disables the device with affirmation of some telecommunication companies taking its lead, does this seem to suggest that US is finally saved from Galaxy Note 7's battery explosion?

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