"Dragon Ball" has spawned a new manga spinoff which features Yamcha as a hero in an alternative universe. The unlikely hero is the familiar laughingstock in the "Dragon Ball" universe, and the new manga gives his character a seeming overhaul.
The new manga is called "Dragon Ball Gaiden: Tensei-shitara Yamcha Datta Ken" ("Dragon Ball Side Story: The Case of Being Reincarnated as Yamcha"). Dagon Garow Lee, a proponent of the mimic style, is the creator of the upcoming manga (but the original art is still credited to Akira Toriyama). The side story has already started serializing in Shueisha's Shonen Jump.
The story is about a teenager who is an avid "Dragon Ball" fan and finds himself inhabiting Yamcha's body. He discovered his situation as he woke up from his recent accident: he fell down a flight of stairs. Being a fan of the "Dragon Ball" series, he already knows almost everything that will happen in the world he finds himself in, so he takes advantage of that and works hard to have Yamcha become a hero, the greatest one ever in the "Dragon Ball" universe.
"Dragon Ball Side Story: The Case of Being Reincarnated as Yamcha" is a parody of another manga "The Case of Being Reincarnated as a Slime." In this latter manga by Fuse, a man is killed and gains consciousness in a fantastic world where he is a slime! Fuse's work was given the rank of eighth in Takarajimasha's "Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi" 2017 guidebook.
Garow Lee's manga is in Japanese, but time will tell whether it will merit an English translation if indeed it is that hilarious. Will Lee's manga be as big as the "Dagon Ball" and the following "Dragon Ball Z" series? Will Yamcha become the greatest hero of all in Dragon Ball universe?