'Pokemon Go' Latest News & Updates: Gen 2 Could Be Days Away; MewTwo, Articuno, Legendary Birds, Creature Gender, Avatar, Shiny & More!

'Pokemon Go' Latest News & Updates: Gen 2 Could Be Days Away; MewTwo, Articuno, Legendary Birds, Creature Gender, Avatar, Shiny & More!

"Pokemon Go" has recently announced one more interesting bit of news for those who take their gaming on a serious level. The Starbucks sponsorship has overtaken a heap load of branches and with it, the anticipation may be going on a whole new level.

Fans have cordially expected the launch of "Pokemon Go" Generation 2 as soon as the Starbucks promotion came about, but so far, to no avail. This has not ceased to make fans utterly excited and at the same time skeptical on when the said generation could arrive; but the wait may not be too excessive any more.

According to recent reports, the Generation 2 of "Pokemon Go" is expected to arrive within the week, one way or another. After Starbucks and Sprint cordially becoming part of the Niantic cycle, the next step could only be the next 100 Pokemon to surface. It was said that The Pokemon Company and Niantic will announce something great in a few days from the time of this writing, as they believe that the augmented reality title is one the best games this year.

Reddit reports are talking about the potential features that could surface for the latest version of "Pokemon Go," such as Shiny Pokemon variations. There is also an intriguing possibility that Pokemon will don gender-based distinctions, though this is still to be confirmed. Avatar customizations are also a possibility, in-app purchases and new sponsor placeholders as well.

"Pokemon Go" picked themselves up from one point in which they were slowly being abandoned by their fans, most specifically from their Halloween update. Since then, the title has stayed on a steady wave and continue their momentum with various contents and updates. For the next batch of creatures, fans are said to be excited over the likes of Tyranitar, Miltank, Celebii, the Baby Pokemon and the rest of the Legendary creatures, no matter which form or event they may come from.

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