Released on Tuesday (6th December) after years of waiting, "The Last Guardian" is a visually rich game. It is especially in terms of lighting and in the actions and mechanics involving the great creature that accompanies the player on his journey, known as Trico.
Unfortunately, most users who want to play "The Last Guardian" by Fumito Ueda (from "ICO" and "Shadow of the Colossus") will have to deal with an unstable frame rate. According to Polygon, the game Indicates that only PS4 Pro can run the game at 30 fps.
According to some technical analysis, "The Last Guardian" suffers an unstable rate of between 20 and 30 fps on the classic PlayStation 4 for maintaining a continuous rate of 30fps with the PS4 Pro in 1080p resolution. For players who want to play in 4K in Pro, the game suffers from PS4-like problems compared to 1080p resolution. As a whole, it's no surprise that the best way to play 'The Last Guardian' is in the PlayStation 4 Pro, but it's a shame that the original PS4 has problems at the level it has.
The 20 to 30fps performance profile in "The Last Guardian" is a step ahead of the 'kinematic' performance seen in "Shadow of the Colossus", but it's still far below what we've come to expect from a modern PS4 game. After such a long development time, the conclusion is that, the PlayStation 4 Pro is seen as the only machine capable of bringing the ideal experience.
Whether it's helping people reach a solid 30fps level, or improving image quality for 4K displays, PS4 Pro superior specs seem to fit the ambitions of the game better. This analysis indicates that the "ideal" experience of the game is using the PS4 Pro with 1080p resolution and frame rate of 30fps. Finally, it is important to remember that initially, "The Last Guardian" would be a PlayStation 3 game. The comparison of the gameplay done by PS4 and PS4 Pro is available in the video below!