Half Life 3 trademark was a fake

If it's too good to be true, it often is, and such was the case for the recent trademark filing that gave many hope that Half-Life 3 was indeed finally on the way. After PCGamesN has reported that the filing page had disappeared from the European Union's trademark database faster than a cake from insert fat celebrity name here, it would appear that the whole ordeal was nothing more than a hoax. One big, mean, prank, the stupid doo doo heads...

According to an update from the Valve watchdog site Valvetime, "We can now confirm that the "Half-Life 3" trademark has been removed from the Trademarks and Design Registration Office of the European Union (OHIM) website. The entrant appears to have disappeared entirely after only being listed on the website database for little over a week, allowing us to identify that the trademark's listing was more than likely a hoax intended to generate fake buzz for a game which is unlikely to appear for several years."

"Several years..." Yeesh, that's a real punch in the gut, but then, we probably should've waited for official confirmation from Valve before getting excited, much like the post later encouraged:

"Until such time as there is an official announcement or direct reference to the upcoming release of a new game or series, it is best to consider all such discoveries as nothing more than rumours."

But all may not be lost. Interestingly enough, there's been no comment from Valve regarding the leak of a staff database showing the development group involved with Half-Life 3. According to pictures, the core team is made up of ten members, with 46 others in the extended team.

Bits and pieces about Half-Life 3, or, Half-Life 2: Episode 3, have surfaced over the last few months, nay, years, but Valve has never confirmed, nor denied development of the game. Statements from a HL voice actor, a bit of concept art, and a second hand source claiming bits and pieces have served only to keep the fans hungry, while providing nothing substantial on their own. As far as the story, things are expected to pick up where episode 2 ended: City 17 was on the verge of ruins, Eli Vance is dead, and the rebellion's double agent Judith Mossman is on the search for an Aperture Science vessel called the Borealis.

We'll keep you posted if any information or further details are released.

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