'Final Fantasy XV' Latest Hacks, News & Update : 'Final Fantasy 15' Tricks & Tips To Upgrade Regalia & Unlock Airship

'Final Fantasy XV' Latest Hacks, News & Update : 'Final Fantasy 15' Tricks & Tips To Upgrade Regalia & Unlock Airship

In "Final Fantasy XV" an airship takes the form of a flying car, called the Regalia Type-F. Here are the steps to unlock "Final Fantasy XV's" flying car.

How to Unlock "FFXV's" flying car: the Regalia Type-F

A player needs to complete the game by finishing the main story so unlock the flying car. Once done, he will be placed back to the open-world segment once again. A player can also call Umbra to have him take the player back to past Lucis.

Unlock "FFXV's" Flying Car by Taking Down Three Nifelheim Bases

There are three optional Nifelheim military bases are scattered around the map. One is Fermouth Garrison in Northen Leide; another is Aracheole Stronghold in Southeast of Lestallum and Fort Vaullerey in Southwest of Old Lestallum. Each base that is cleared will unlock a new mysterious part for your car. As soon as the player has collected the three parts of the car, a new quest entitled Into Unknown Frontiers will unlock says iDigitalTimes.

Talk to Cindy in Hammerhead and she will fit the parts in the Regalia. The player's car is now upgraded to Regalia Type-F. This car can only be used in Lucis, for a start, with the other game areas not suited for it. As you drive, there will be a new option on your menu with the Type-F. Click the circle to enable the car to fly. This, however, is not applicable everywhere, it is only for roads where a safe take-off can be done. Be very careful not to overheat or crash the car as this will prompt to an instant game over.

It is recommended that for the first few tries, to just take the car to the skies and fly about. Then, start flying around the far reaches of Lucis.

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