"Bates Motel" Season 5 is Arts and Entertainment network's final installment of the TV adaptation of David Hitchcock's "Psycho" film series. Ever since it was aired last 2011, fans of the psychological thriller are hoping that the season finale will be much better from what they expect it to be and this includes the possible fate of Rihanna's Marion Crane.
"Bates Motel" Season 5 is set to explore a darker storyline for Norman Bates. The boy will slowly fade into the reality and started talking more often to her dead mother, Norma, who will order him around to kill people.
According to Jobs & Hire, the brutality and creepy antics of Norman will intensify in "Bates Motel" Season 5. His psychotic cravings for death will not only continue but will get worse as the season ends.
In GameNGuide's previous report,"Bates Motel" Season 5 will be more like David Hitchcock's "Psycho" film but not to the extent that it will copy the events from the movie. There is a possibility that some scenes will cross path to some events from the scene but it will be more likely become a guide for the series to be more connected to the original story.
Rihanna's Marion Crane Fate
Rihanna is confirmed to play the famous fictional character from the "Psycho" film, Marion Crane, previously portrayed by Janet Leigh. The singer will re-enact the unforgettable and brutal shower scene death of the character, however, rumor has it that maybe the showrunners will shock the viewers by not killing the character in "Bates Motel" Season 5
In University Herald's report, the site noted that though updates revealed that Rihanna will be part of "Bates Motel" Season 5 and will be seen in the hotel managed by Norman, no spoilers nor even hints that the character will die like in the original story of Marion Crane who died in an iconic shower scene.
On the other hand, in "Bates Motel" Season 5, spoilers and updates revealed that writers and showrunners will give the audience a season ender that they will surely haunt the minds of the fans for so long. The art, the emotion, and the thriller will be part of the finale episodes and will be much better from what the viewers expect it to be.