Name a QTE finisher for Crytek's Ryse: Son of Rome

Think there's more to Ryse: Son of Rome than quick-time events? Well, you may be right, but you wouldn't now it listening to Crytek. It seems the company has plumb out of clever ideas to name the game's various QTE finishers. Which is where you come in...

Taking to the proverbial soapbox that is Twitter, the developer is asking fans to strap on their thinking hats (complete with propellors no doubt), and come up with some new names for the executions.

Follow GameStop on Twitter and tweet your suggestions with the the hash tag "#RyseMove2." The top voted submission makes it in the game. Because asking random fans to be serious about naming a hated feature for a game exclusive to a poo-pooed future console is always a good idea. 

Here are some of my personal favorites so far from searching through the bowels of Twitter, and those responsible for them:

* Leonardo Muniz - Two birds with one stone
* Curtis Gipson - An arm and a leg
* Geoff Christopher - DILAMINO, it's Latin and literally means split in two
* Tommy Walkerocious - The "Better With KinectTM"
* Adam McClain - Wham bam, thank you ma'am
* Daniel Cummins - "Going Out on a Limb"
* But above all others, I have to give props to Connor Branson for this gem - "dongmangler sounds pretty good for a move name."

Indeed Connor, indeed.

Ryse: Son of Rome is the story of Marius Titus, a soldier who was inspired to join the Roman army after watching his family's slaughter by barbarians. Marius rose through the ranls fast to become General, and now, as Marius, players will issue orders to the whole of the Roman infantry.

Beyond Marius, Ryse will also include historical characters like Nero, Boudica, Commodus, Oswald and more. A multiplayer mode will also be offered, which has players fighting alongside friends in the Coliseum.

Ryse: Son of Rome is an Xbox One exclusive title, and will be offered at the console's November launch.  

Now, if that's not enough to get your creative juices flowing, I'd suggest watching the trailer below for some inspiration.

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