A new TV drama series, "Incorporated," made its premiere on SyFy last November 30 with a familiar and compelling story. The series is set to the year 2074 with corporations that control the world which is too close to what we have now.
"Incorporated" is a dystopian series, executive produced by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. It has a familiar premise but powerful enough to make viewers hooked. It is a story about the lives of people living in the year 2074 when the government and powerful nations were all toppled down. The Earth was being destroyed by the climate change and the corporations are in control.
According to New York Times, "Incorporated" showed how climate change affected the world and how corporations took advantage of it. In the story, people are divided into two, those who live in the Green Zone which is controlled by the corporations and the Red Zone where ruthlessness prevails.
The story of "Incorporated" is focused on the character of Ben (Sean Tale), a young man who is working at one of the corporations, Spiga Biotech. Ben is married to Laura (Allison Miller), daughter of the CEO. Apparently, Ben is being hunted by his past as one of the persons who lived in the Red Zone and slowly making his name at Spiga Biotech.
In the first episode of "Incorporated," the intentions of Ben is not clear except that he was in search for his childhood friend named Elena. Ben's part of the story is not convincing for the viewers but good thing that the extra stories included are interesting, The Atlantic reported.
However, what makes "Incorporated" unique to other dystopian series is how it tries to portray the Green Zone. Although it's being controlled by the corporations, the place may not seem as good to live at as it looks like. People who live in the Green Zone are being manipulated to the extent that even their personal decisions need an approval first.
Meanwhile, even if the "Incorporated" seems similar to the other series, the story that it offers is not too far from the reality. With how the corporations are controlling the resources of the Earth now, the drama series may give us a clear view of what is possible to happen and how we can avoid it to happen.