Pre-orders show PlayStation 4 players favor Battlefield 4 while Xbox One gamers want Call of Duty: Ghosts

At this point, the lines are drawn in the sand, and most of us already know which system and respective games we're planning on buying for the next-generation of consoles. Fanboys on both sides have lined up, screaming yay or nay on Sony's PlayStation 4, and Microsoft's Xbox One.

It's the same thing for the next generation of shooters as well. Much like has been the case for the past few years; you have one group championing Battlefield 4, while the other group cries foul, eager for Call of Duty: Ghosts in its place. Then again, some gamers with deeper pockets plan on picking up both games and consoles, while the rest of us have bills to pay.

Interestingly enough, new information shows that while both games will be available for either new console, it seems as though console fans already have a set FPS game to go along with it, no doubt further slamming in the wedge between fans on either side.

According to pre-order numbers gathered by VGChartz, those who plan on purchasing a PlayStation 4 are more eager for Battlefield 4, the number of pre-orders for the game on the console reaching just under 250,000, and stands as the most pre-ordered game for the console. Meanwhile, the game with the highest amount of pre-orders on Xbox One is Call of Duty: Ghosts with roughly 230,000 in all.

Ironically, the FPS that leads in each console takes second place in the opposing platform, Ghosts on PS4 with 240,000 pre-orders, and Battlefield 4 with 125,000 on the Xbox One. Either way, both games are no doubt sure to be a hit, edging out all other pre-orders for both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Reports VGChartz, "Up until the week ending August 24 the PlayStation 4 currently leads in the total number of pre-orders in the US with about 600,000. This is up significantly since E3 where there were only 75,000 pre-orders. The Xbox One is still lagging behind with 350,000 pre-orders. This is also way up since E3 where there were only 45,000 pre-orders."

You could chalk up the lower amount of Xbox One pre-orders to whatever you like, the confusion and last minute policy changes by Microsoft being the most probable, but the numbers don't lie.

You can see the exact figures below.

PlayStation 4 - Top 10 Pre-orders

1. Battlefield 4 - 246,965
2. Call of Duty: Ghosts - 240,090
3. Killzone: Shadow Fall - 221,710
4. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - 160,637
5. Watch Dogs - 118,315
6. Madden NFL 25 - 65,123
7. Destiny - 44,018
8. NBA 2K14 - 43,430
9. Knack - 40,982
10. FIFA Soccer 14 - 35,095

Xbox One - Top 10 Pre-orders

1. Call of Duty: Ghosts - 229,628
2. Battlefield 4 - 125,368
3. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - 104,980
4. Watch Dogs - 69,152
5. Dead Rising 3 - 61,254
6. Ryse: Son of Rome - 57,962
7. Forza Motorsport 5 - 56,201
8. Madden NFL 25 - 43,167
9. Destiny - 35,627
10. Titanfall - 27,956

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