UPDATE - Game of the Year Edition of Borderlands 2 confirmed

UPDATE - What started out as a rumor first reported by IGN has just been confirmed by publisher 2K Games via Twitter, writing, "Now there's no excuse to Go Psycho! #Borderlands2 Game of the Year Edition will be released on October 11, 2013!"

Joystiq has the official press release, which mentions everything the edition comes bundled with.

In a statement, Gearbox Software head Randy Pitchford said, "For us and for fans, the love for Borderlands 2 has been nothing short of spectacular, so it's natural for us here at Gearbox Software to want everyone else to have a chance to experience the best-selling game and its most valuable expansion content.

"The Borderlands 2 Game of the Year Edition offers more value than ever before in one package, giving everyone an opportunity to become a legendary Vault Hunter, and join in the award winning mayhem and fun." The game will retail for $59.99.

The story as it originally appeared is below.

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Despite the company's public perception stock plummeting recently as a result of Aliens: Colonial Marines, Gearbox definitely knew what it was doing with Borderlands 2, and for any of you that may have missed it, or its associated DLC, good newscould be on the horizon.

IGN is reporting a GameStop employee with a loose tongue told the outlet that a Game of the Year edition is on the way for Gearbox's shooter sequel, featuring all of the game's DLC. The DLC consists of the original pre-order incentive Creature Slaughter Dome, which was originally offered as a pre-order incentive two extra characters; the Mechromancer and Psycho.

First offered back in October, Gaige the Mechromancer controls a big friggin' robot that she made herself with the lovely moniker of "the Deathtrap," which Gearbox's president Randy Pitchford described as Claptrap's big angry cousin, calling it a, "gigantic evil robot that'll just beat the living shit out of the enemies." Like Tiny Tina, this makes her one dangerous teenager, even by Pandora's reckoning.

Krieg the Psycho was the late comer to the Pandoran party, but he's made up for his absence with his sheer mania. Much like Brick could, Krieg can go on a melee rampage fueled bloodpath. With skill tree names like "Mania," "Bloodlust," and "Hellborn," you can imagine just what kind of play style Krieg has. While Brick used his fists to pummel Pandoran psychos, Krieg deals damage with his Pandoran-style chainsaw, the blood axe.

Various customization packs are also thrown in, but game's 4 campaign DLC's are the true worthwhile content.

According to said employee, the DLC is as follows:

- Creature Slaughter Dome
- Psycho Pack
- Captain Scarlet's And Her Pirate's Booty
- Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt
- Mister Torgue's Campaign Of Carnage
- Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon Keep
- Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade
- Mechromancer Pack

While Gearbox hasn't confirmed that a GOTY edition of Borderlands 2 is on the way just yet, it wouldn't be a surprise if it was something the company had up its sleeve, especially considering that the first game received the same treatment. With each DLC going for $10 each, the GOTY edition would surely be a bargain price for anyone whose still yet to play the game.

We'll keep you posted if Gearbox confirms any such edition.

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