'Pokemon Sun and Moon’ Guide: Where to find Keldeo and Moloetta Move Tutor?

'Pokemon Sun and Moon’ Guide: Where to find Keldeo and Moloetta Move Tutor?

Keldeo and Moloetta are two Pokemon that have great potential when players finally get them evolved in their final forms in "Pokemon Sun and Moon". However, these two Pokemon have a special requirement before they evolve into their final form. Other Pokemon only requires happiness and a certain level reached but these two require a special move taught by an NPC tutor before they transform.

Where to Find Move Tutor?

The move tutor assigned in teaching Keldeo and Moloetta's exclusive move is located in Hano Grand Resort Hotel in the second island players will explore in "Pokemon Sun and Moon", Akala Island. This means that players will only be able to access the tutor when they're already in the middle part of the game. When in the hotel, the tutor is the grey-haired man with a blue patterned top.

This tutor exclusively teaches the Secret Sword and Relic Song move that only Meloetta and Keldeo can learn. The Relic Song is a move that makes the Pokemon sing an ancient song that damages by appealing to the heart. At times, it can even induce sleep to its opponent. For Secret Sword, the Pokemon uses its horn to cut and damage its opponent.

Evolving Keldeo and Moloetta in in "Pokemon Sun and Moon"

The evolved Pokemon of Keldeo and Moloetta can only be seen when the Pokemon is in battle. So as soon as the Pokemon has learned the move, try to go on a battle and see Meloetta transform from Aria forme to Pirouette Form. Keldeo, on the other hand, changes from Ordinary form to Resolute forme. According to reports, Moloetta's stats also changes when it evolves to Aria form. However, the same thing cannot be said for Keldeo as only its form is said to change and nothing else.

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