Westworld News, Spoilers And Updates: Identity Of 'Man In Black' And Timelines Revealed

Westworld News, Spoilers And Updates: Identity Of 'Man In Black' And Timelines Revealed

HBO has another hit in their hands in Westworld which is already confirmed for a second season. Westworld gives viewers layers upon layers of mystery and intrigue. It slowly builds a world of riddles giving fans something to turn back to and watch again. Westworld designs its layers in AI/human and God/creation relationships.

From the beginning, Westworld gave viewers several clues to some of its questions and as to where the plot might lead to. This allows keen viewers to speculate answers for Westworld's lingering questions. And as early as the first episode, the internet is filled with fan theories minutes after the conclusion of the premiere. In Westworld's penultimate episode, the show's layers are slowly unravelling, revealing a new world which Westworld can use to their heart's desire.

In Westworld's "The Well-Tempered Clavier" episode, several fan theories were proven. Most notably was Bernard's true identity as the host version of the park's original co-founders, Arnold. However, in typical Westworld fashion, as some questions are answered, more questions start to emerge.

One of which is the how the different timelines Westworld has shown are connected to one another. An image posted in imgur (which can also be seen below) may help with the connections.

The image illustrates the different timeframes presented in Westworld and how they connect with one another. In the recent episode, it is shown the Dolores is retracing her past memories back to the beginning and is alternating between 3 different sets.

The first and oldest memory is during the first 3 years of the park's development. It includes Ford and Arnold's initial research and development of Westworld's park. It ends with Arnold's death, Bernard's creation and the opening of the park. The second timeline of Westworld, is the journey of William and Dolores to the maze's center. While the third timeline shows the present and includes Ford's plan for a new narrative.

The image also assumes the identity of the "Man in Black" as William. Westworld's last episode gave clues to the identity of the "Man in Black" as the picture of a woman Abernathy found in the premiere was Arnold's wife. The appearance of the "Man in Black" at the church of the supposed first town of the park which culminates Dolore's journey can also be a clue.

With Westworld's last episode airing next week, we can expect the identity of the "Man in Black" to be revealed along with Ford's plans of a new narrative. However according to Jeffrey Wright, the actor for Bernard, the first season will sort of be a prequel for the Westworld initially building the Host and creator relationship. It's only in the second season that fans can truly see the unraveling of Westworld.

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