The anime series "Attack on Titan" had a very successful first season. The anime also managed to attract several people with different tastes that it is now being considered as best anime series that has been released. Several fans are now asking what they should expect from "Attack on Titan" Season 2.
According to reports, the makers of "Attack on Titan" Season 2 announced that it will have its premiere in Spring 2017. Several plots and storyline about the upcoming season are also spreading online. Some say that the lead character Eren will be forming an alliance with Zeke to save Mikasa and Levi in the upcoming episodes of "Attack on Titan" Season 2.
The friendship of Armin and Eren might be destroyed in the upcoming "Attack on Titan" Season 2 because rumor says that Armin will Betray Eren for the sake of defending Wall Rose. However, this rumor remains unconfirmed as well.
A report from ComicBook also states that the "Attack on Titan" Season 2 will focus more on the wall Maria or wall Rose and the endless struggle of action around safekeeping them from the titans. Some fans also speculate that Eren will not get the chance to meet his half-brother Zeke and the whole story about their meeting will be left for the third season.
Another speculation is that Mikasa will be eaten by a powerful titan. Then, she will be given the ability to transform into a Titan just like Eren. "Attack on Titan" Season 2 also shows that Eren will finally unlock his basement with the key his father left him. And a leaked story suggests that Eren will become a Beast Titan that is more terrifying than others.
More questions about the mystery of the walls will be answered in the next season. The history about the titans will also be unveiled. Stronger, faster, bigger and intelligent titans are about to come. For more news and updates about "Attack on Titan" Season 2 stay tuned to Game & Guide.