‘Mass Effect Andromeda’ Release Date, Latest News & Update: Three Versions Rolling Out In March 2017? Details Here!

‘Mass Effect Andromeda’ Release Date, Latest News & Update: Three Versions Rolling Out In March 2017? Details Here!

Space exploring fans are eager to see when “Mass Effect: Andromeda” will come out and reports claim that this will happen in March 2017. The next installment will come in three variants, each differentiated with the add-ons and price.

As mentioned in a previous post, Bioware had originally teased on the coming of “Mass Effect: Andromeda” during E3 2015. Nothing groundbreaking came out since then with the grapevine suggesting various rumors on what could possibly go down in the new galaxy called “Andromeda”.

“Mass Effect: Andromeda” is expected to cover more ground, meaning more chances of running into aliens and exploring new areas. Better graphics and new game play were already teased at the time, courtesy of game designer Ian Frazier.

The three editions set for “Mass Effect: Andromeda” will be the Standard, Deluxe and Super Deluxe editions. The Standard edition is, of course, the most affordable of the lot, expected to retail for about $60.

Gamers who opt to pre-order the standard version of “Mass Effect: Andromeda” will get some goodies. These include 5 boosters equivalent to 50% increased XP, a bonus armor and skin for in-game ships, Neurogadget reported.

While the basic version of “Mass Effect: Andromeda” could be sufficient, some may want to consider the difference $10 make. For that added amount, the Deluxe Edition is within reach and return more goodies.

This includes bonus outfits (Pathfinder Casual, Scavenger Armor) and a bonus weapon (Pathfinder Elite). Players even get a bonus pet in “Pyjack” plus additional gear and weapons for co-op missions and the official soundtrack of “Mass Effect: Andromeda”.

The best of the lot is the “Mass Effect: Andromeda” Super Deluxe Edition which costs $100. This pack will include a weekly premium pack for co-op play for 20 weeks plus all the bonus content detailed previously in the Deluxe edition.

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