'Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2’ Guide: How to Make the Best QQ Bangs for Your Character

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2’ Guide: How to Make the Best QQ Bangs for Your Character

QQ Bangs in “Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2” is one of the important factors that makes a player’s character stronger when battling. However, QQ Bangs must be customized depending on the character’s weakness and strength. And to help players find the perfect QQ Bangs for their character, this guide will explain how exactly it must be done and things that must be considered while combining clothes.

What are QQ Bangs And How Should It Be Created in “Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2”

QQ Bangs is a feature that allows the player to combine two clothing to make a new item that they can equip in the slot for QQ Bangs. This feature is accessible by heading to the Capsule Corporation Time Rift and speaking to the clerk of Clothing Mixing Shop near Bulma. To start combining clothes, players will be asked to select two items to combine and pay the cost to fuse them. And in just seconds, players now have a new QQ bang item.

Tips on Creating a QQ Bangs in “Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2”

A QQ Bang will raise a specific stat and at the same time lower another. It ranges from levels 1 to 5 and the higher the level is, the more increase it will give to the character. This is why it is important that players carefully think which stat is worth decreasing in exchange of another stat increased. Depending on the items fused, QQ Bangs can even greatly increase one stat while only taking a few points from another stat.

Some players prefer keeping 4 clothing pieces rather than one QQ Bangs because they thought it gives more points. However, the points given by QQ Bangs are multiplied four times over to make up for taking the 4 slots of clothing. So with the right QQ Bang combination, a player can greatly increase its power compared to what clothings can give.

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