Many speculations are rising regarding "Attack on Titan" Season 2. Rumors have surfaced that Eren Jeager will try to find some value to his existence and gets to visit Wall Emerald. There are also claims coming about that Mikasa will be in prison and Levi will do all he can to rescue her.
Although it has not been fully proven, a lot of enthusiasts for "Attack on Titan" Season 2 has already voiced out their apprehensions regarding the segment. As for the notion of a hidden city called Wall Emerald, that remains to be seen since the manga arc did not provide any details supporting its existence.
In former report from GamenGuide, it shared of some previous rumors. According to the report, rumors for "Attack on Titan" Season 2 have also surfaced and that it would showcase how Eren's heart would turn dark in the upcoming episodes of Mikasa and Levi and although it has not been proven, many are already looking forward to the possible brawl between Levi, Zeke, Eren and Mikasa, along with Armin.
Given the rumors, the showrunners, the creators and even the anime story arc of "Attack on Titan" Season 2 has not given any details confirming the rumored storyline, thus debunking all rumors as false and unreliable, as noted by the same post.
For the enthusiasts, having a new region would surely set the journey for Eren and his friends in the upcoming episodes of "Attack on Titan" Season 2. Meanwhile, since the manga arc has not provided any details pertaining to the rumors, every speculation should be taken with a grain of salt in mind.