'Pokemon Sun and Moon' Latest News & Update: Difference Between Sun and Moon, Which to Choose?

'Pokemon Sun and Moon' Latest News & Update: Difference Between Sun and Moon, Which to Choose?

"Pokemon Sun and Moon" is receiving positive feedbacks since hitting the road but the million-dollar question is; which am I going to grab, the Sun or Moon?

A little "Pokemon Sun and Moon" Background first, this title became the most downloaded in eShop history of Nintendo 3DS. So massive that it looms to be the best-selling ever since Nintendo 3DS conception. Gamers can partly trace the game's success with "Pokemon GO" monopolizing everything that is mobile during the second half of the year. And this one gives the gaming world another glimpse of why Pokemon is so popular, GameSpot said.

Now about that help coming to make gamers decide which route to take in "Pokemon Sun and Moon," there are two versions of the game. Remember that it is inevitable that some spoilers might subtly appear in this guide so be properly advised.

Depending on which choice, "Pokemon Sun and Moon" has exclusives, especially with the legendary Pokemons each side taunts. The sun version has Solgaleo and his Alolan Ninetails but some gamers consider moon's Lunala and her Oraguru a wiser option. Think that the psychic orangutan or Oranguru a more powerful weapon.

Remember that "Pokemon Sun and Moon" takes place in the mystic island of Alola but there are unconfirmed reports that the maps differ on each variation. One notable difference is the time pattern in the game. Meaning, Sun gets sunny all throughout the real-time day and gets dark in the evening. On the contrary, Moon follows time-shifted 12 hours and only gets light during evenings, Polygon explained.

If these "Pokemon Sun and Moon" time explanations aren't sufficient, let us dissect more in layman's term. A player can play simultaneously during real-time day and Sun version will synchronize with daylight but the game will look dark during real-time evening. Reverse the scenario and Moon version will be dark in daytime and gets light during evenings. This setup happens regardless of which time zone a player is in.

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