Macbook Pro With Touch Bar Users Need To Know That Some Safety Feature Has Been Disabled, Find Out Why

Macbook Pro With Touch Bar Users Need To Know That Some Safety Feature Has Been Disabled, Find Out Why

Owners of MacBook Pro with touch bar must check if their units are protected from malware. In a report on MacRmors, some Macbook Pros with touch bar have been shipped without an important feature that protects the units from unauthorized root access.

The System Integrity Protection or commonly known as SIP is not included in the features of some Macbook Pros with touch bar. The purpose of this system is to block the root account to access the files and folders. It will restrict some permission to unauthorized files and folders.

Jonathan Wright is a developer who first discovered the issue of the Macbook Pro with Touch Bar according to Digital Trends. However, not all MacBook Pros are affected by this issue. Other owners reported that their touch pad has enabled SIP.

He tweeted on Thursday, that according to consensus some but not all touch models have been shipped without enabling the SIP. Mac has been operated by System Integrity Protection according to Mac Rumors. It is specifically designed to secure the safety of Mac from any malware. It will limit the permission of root user account and stop unauthorized access in every protected files and folders. This feature has been turned off on some new Macbook Pro models.

The vulnerability level of the MacBook Pros with touch bar decreased. The Macbook Pro models, both the 13-inch and 15-inch, have already been disabled. There are some users who are suffering from a disabled SIP but it is still working well on other units as the SIP has been enabled. In order to check whether SIP is turned on, owner must enter the “csrutil status” command that can be found in its terminal.

When the SIP is enabled it will boot the recovery mode. The terminal must be turned on and rebooted. The issue has come to the knowledge of Apple and they are willing to deliver an update to fix the issue. As of now, an update for the date of the release has not been confirmed.

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