November is fast coming to a close and many “Pokemon Go” fans are eager to see what lies ahead for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Of the two, Niantic is expected to roll-out something similar (or better) to the Halloween offering they recently held.
By now most are aware that Niantic’s "Pokemon Go" Halloween efforts paid off handsomely, allowing the app to regain top spot in the app charts. With interest spurred due to the generous goodie hauls and ghost-type Pokemon appearances, many now await what pocket monsters could possibly come out during the Holidays.
The event is believed to be kicking off starting Dec. 11 to 25 where new bonuses may include Santa Claus hats and possibly gifts. As far as “Pokemon Go” monster spawns are concerned, the one standing out is Pikachu.
Aside from the popular Pokemon, more ice-type characters are reportedly popping up this Holiday season. That includes Lapras, Jynx, Seel, Dewgong, Shellder, Cloyster, Ponyta and Rapidash, a wild mix that should entice “Pokemon Go” players to be hooked to the hit augmented reality game, Pokemon Global reported.
With the broad mix of Pokemon due for Christmas, “Pokemon Go” players are thus encouraged to stock up on PokeBalls and stock up on eggs and PokeCoins. On a different note, players should get ready to walk a lot with lots of spawns expected – something that is seen as helpful since most are expected to be stuffed from eating at parties and events.
Events are also expected to frequent “Pokemon Go” meaning players may want to keep an eye out for that too. Paired with the current daily quests and increased rate of spawning, managing player inventories will certainly be a need.
Aside from the ice-type Pokemon, many are hoping to see some of the rares as well, per reports. That includes Ditto, MewTwo and Zapdos among others, something that may be possible but not guaranteed.