Recent news and update pertaining to "One Piece" centers on the possible scenarios of the main characters such as with Luffy and Sanji. There are claims arising that Sanji's death is imminent as the story arc deviates from its manga heritage.
Moreover, rumors of Luffy in rampage is bound to arise in the forthcoming episodes of "One Piece." Speculations have even surfaced that the Strawhat pirates would be in a rumble after facing their biggest battle just yet.
Although the rumors are arising, none of it were confirmed. Even the creators of "One Piece" has not affirmed the speculation storylines to be true. Contradictory to the rumored plotlines, the anime series is still staying true to its manga heritage.
A former report from GamenGuide relayed the probable events that could take place in the upcoming scenes of "One Piece." Moreover, since the anime franchise has maintained its momentum for many years, the upcoming episodes are bound to surpass the former ones already aired.
More report mentioned that "One Piece" rumors have surfaced that chapter 845 would unveil too many problems for the main characters, particularly with Sanji and Luffy and reports have also surfaced that the story arc of "One Piece" is being threatened by the rising dominion of "Tokyo Ghoul."
There are still too many things left to expect for "One Piece." With challenges underway, many are hoping that Luffy, Sanji and the rest of the gang would overcome every hurdle thrown their way.