Details Spill Out For inFamous: Second Son [LEAK]

The digital issue of the new Game Informer arrived into hands of subscribers last night, and has since spilled out onto the net. We've rounded up a good deal of the info, and we've rounded up the main points in an easy to read summation.

It's a rough time to be a conduit in the US. After the problems they cause in New Marais and Empire City, any and all conduits are now deemed bioterrorists, and many have been rounded up by the DUP, the Department of Unified Protection. While a good deal are held in containment facilities, more are still on the loose. The DUP isn't exactly your elite government agency though. During an operation in Seattle, some bumbling troops managed to crash a transport vehicle, and a number of conduits escape. Despite their super powers, not all the conduits are able to help themselves, so our new hero Delsin Rowe rushes to help. While dragging the injured to safety, he learns that he too is also a conduit, with powers similar to inFamous 2's own Nix, that of smoke and fire.

With a number of conduits now free, the DUP has set up roadblocks and cameras to ensure that no one gets in or out of the city without their say so. The hunt for Delsin and the rest of the conduits is on.

According to Sucker Punch, the heightened security is meant to reflect the post 9/11 state of the country, saying that the DUP serves as a parallel to the TSA. From what we've seen, they're about as spot on as their real world counterparts when it comes to actually doing their job, so cheers on that Sucker Punch. There are some troopers that actually do have it together though, and can pose a major threat to Delsin. They act like a number of SWAT / military police organizations, and others exhibit a seemingly supernatural ability when it comes to defense and uber quick movements, hinting that they might be more than just human.

Ready to send all this big brother omnipresence packing is Delsin, a new conduit with an anti-authority streak. Besides the power to control smoke, he can also absorb the powers of other conduits, which opens up a whole range of options and experiences for players, but Sucker Punch hasn't elaborated on this aspect just yet.

They have offered up some more details on his smoke powers though. Smoke screams stealth, which is one way Delsin operates, disappearing and reappearing like a cloud of...well, y'know. He can easily take out security systems, and use his powers to disappear into vents and ducts all around the city. Like it's been in the past, urban exploration is a big part of the game, and Delsin can climb Seattle's skyscrapers as well as Cole could. But while Cole recharged himself from parked cars and transformers, Delsin relies on recharging from chimneys, destroyed cars, and even tear gas canisters. He's also quite handy with a chain as well.

That's about all that Sucker Punch was willing to provide to Game Informer, but we'll definitely be keeping our eyes on this one. inFamous: Second Son is planned to release when the PlayStation 4 launches. You can check out some of the new screenshots here.

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