Dead Rising 3 in Development? Title Pops Up on Voice Actress's Resume [RUMOR]

Believe it or not, zombies are still a hot commodity, despite lukewarm ghoul titles of late like The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, Resident Evil 6, and Dead Island: Riptide. If rumors are to be believed, Capcom is looking to revive another of their zombie franchises, Dead Rising.

A thoughtful NeoGAF member pointed to several different online resumes of Brazilian voice actress [name redacted]. Her profiles on Voices, LinkedIn, and Voices123 all have a listing for Dead Rising 3.

There's been little information on the title to date. A trailer was said to have been completed sometime last year, but has yet to see the light of day.

The last official word from Capcom involving a new Dead Rising game came all the ay back in 2010, when Chief Operating Officer David Reevves spoke with CVG, and said that the new game would continue Dead Rising 2's story: "Obviously, with all of that success on Dead Rising 2, it makes sense to move onto Dead Rising 3. I think they [developer Blue Castle Games] may extend it by bringing in new characters and new interactions, or bring back others from before. The idea would be that we'll bring digital content to bridge a link between DR2 and DR3. It's a bit like an online game in that way - a continuous story. I don't want to say episodic, but I think you'll be find there'll be scriptwriters coming in to continue the story."

In 2011, Siliconera reported a rumor that the new game would be set in a brand new city, and feature a new protagonist, but that the pharmaceutical consortium Phenotrans would again play a pivotal role at the center of the story. Capcom never bothered to confirm or deny the rumor, nor have they commented on Dead Rising 3 being in production.

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