'Halo 4': New Matchmaking Update For Regicide And Grifball

Halo 4 has a brand new matchmaking update and this one, it seems, is entirely dedicated to Regicide and Grifball, along with the introduction of new maps, rules and upgraded game settings.

The developers state that the king's bounty in Regicide has been adjusted to always be a static 20 points, regardless of length of reign or kills acquired. This, according to the developers, has been done to “create a more consistent gameplay experience.”

Moreover, Complex has been removed from the map rotation, and the newly added maps are as follows:

  • Landfall
  • Dispatch
  • Simplex
  • Scythe

“Grifballers will be happy to hear that the Grifball playlist has been updated to reflect the most current community settings used by the GrifballHub community. Those of you who get hammered on a regular basis will notice that the game type has been tweaked to create better balance between the weapons, and that Grifball and Grifball Pro now have identical shield, damage, damage resistance and radar settings,” the official page states.

Grifball will continue to have one unremitting round with auto-pickup turned on, while Grifball Pro will offer five individual rounds with auto-pickup turned off. Moreover, four of the Grifball courts have received repairs and tweaks “to create the most balanced playing experience. These tweaks includes repairs, removal of exploitable areas, kill zone fixes and more.”

It is also important to note that the score limit for Multi-Team has been increased from 300 points (30 kills) to 500 points for optimal game length and experience.

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