Latest news and updates for “Fairy Tail” Chapter 509 is filled with such issues and uncertainties. Rumors has surfaced that the next chapter would be a disappointment for the fans and followers of the anime series.
There are also notions that the anime “Fairy Tail” Chapter 509 might possibly deviate from the storylines as the writers aim on integrating new angles. However, despite the ongoing notions, those rumors were debunked and unreliable.
In a former report from Christian Daily, it shared of some possible events that could unfold for “Fairy Tail” Chapter 509. According to the report, Chapter 508 might center on the storyline of the mermaid, Kagura Mikazuchi and Larcade "Rahkeid" Dragneel.
Moreover, “Fairy Tail” Chapter 509 is a segment that could either be a surprising for thefans or a disappointment. It would also feature the probable fight between Erza and Iren. In a separate report, there are indicators that the epic battle beween Mikazuchi and Dragneel will spark some tensions for the entire magicians.
More reports from GamenGuide shared that the battle would heat up and it would indicate a probable death between the major characters. Also, the fans and followers of “Fairy Tail” Chapter 509 could expect the downfall of the major characters.
As for the rumors that the storyline of “Fairy Tail” Chapter 509 would deviate from its story arc, that rumor should be taken with a grain of salt in mind. Also, anime enthusiasts could expect major transformations in the upcoming scenes of “Fairy Tail” Chapter 509.