The action-adventure drama series "The Librarians" Season 3 will feature about Noah Wyle to reprise the role of Flynn Carsen. The return of Flynn will reunite the librarian's new team that Eve manages. Wyle was also the Executive Producer of the series and he will be writing one and at the same time he will also direct two episodes as per report.
"The Librarians" Season 3 will be composed of 10 episodes. According to Wyle's co-Executive Producer Dean Devlin, he had a great working experience with Noah Wyle and described that this was one of his most successful partnerships. He also added that Wyle will be acting seven episodes for this season.
Meanwhile, Variety reported that the newest Villain Vanessa Williams will play as a villainous boss in "The Librarians" Season 3. She will be reprising the role of General Rockwell as the head of the top secret black ops secret government agency, known as D.O.S.A.
Williams will be investigating the librarians in "The Librarians" Season 3 to contain the magical artifacts in the library. The series will also introduce the three new librarians who form a team namely Jacob Stone, Cassandra Cillian and the technical thief Ezekiel Jones under the protection of Eve Baired an ex-NATO Agent.
"The Librarians" Season 3 is expected to air on November 20. The US mystical adventure series launched on TNT last December 7, 2014.