"Dark Souls 3" DLC was released on Oct. 25 and now available for download. It is called the "Ashes of Ariandel" and it will take gamers to a whole new place that was revealed to be inside a painting. Specifically speaking, players will explore the vast painted World of Ariandel.
On Steam, "Dark Souls 3" DLC was described as "Journey to the snowy world of Ariandel and encounter new areas, bosses, enemies, weapons, armor set, magic spells and more." As stated, there will be numerous enemies to battle with as well as bosses to deal with in order to accomplish a mission.
It was reported that the "Ashes of Ariandel" DLC is just the first part of the "Dark Souls 3" update, thus players can expect the second patch to come out any time. The new downloadable content offers many features and it include 16 new weapons and shields, five new armor sets, four new spells, one new ring -- the Chillbite Ring. Also included are Captain's Ashes, Millwood Greatarrow, PvP exclusive map called Hollow Arena and two new bosses.
Things to Note
Gamers who want to begin playing the "Dark Soul 3" Ashes of Ariandel DLC must know how to access the new content first. Getting started with the game would be easy once the players gained access since they do not have to keep looking for the entrance to Ashes of Ariandel anymore.
Another thing to take note of is that only players who have reached a certain level in the main game can enjoy the DLC more. Those who have not completed the first play yet or still playing at a lower level will find it harder to play "Dark Soul 3" Ashes of Ariandel than it was supposed to be. On the other hand, skilled players will have no problem with the DLC at level 70.
Access Guide
Once that player purchased the "Dark Soul 3" Ashes of Ariandel DLC, the first thing to do is go to Cathedral of the Deep's Cleansing Chapel bonfire. When you reached the area, the new NPC will talk to you and you have to speak with him twice before accepting the mission that will be handed down. After the mission is accepted, you will be moved to the DLC area which is The Painted World of Ariandel.
After acquiring two Rime-blue Moss Clumps and finding the Snowfield bonfire, head back to the DLC area without hassles by simply resting by the bonfire. Meanwhile, the first of the two "Dark Soul 3" DLCs are available for purchase via Steam store.