From manga series, "Bleach" movie is currently on its production with Sota Fukushi as Ichigo Kuroski. It is not the first time that Fukushi will star in live-action movies, as he have also appeared in "Kami-sama no lu Toori," "Strobe Edge" and "Toshokan Senso / Library Wars."
"Bleach" movie will be directed by Shinsuke Sato who has also directed several live-action films such as "Gantz," "Gantz II: Perfect Answer" and "Oblivion Island." The tandem of Sota Fukushi and Sato will surely bring out each other's creativity.
With Sota Fukushi's experience in anime movies, he will bring the character of Ichigo Kuroski in "Bleach" movie to life beautifully. Ichigo is a teen, with a temper, who obtains power from Rukia Kuchiki. He is then forced to defend the humans from evil spirits and to guide the departed souls in the afterlife.
Unwanted soul-eating spirits called Hollows were threatening the lives of Rukia's family and friends. This leads her into transferring her Shinigami powers to Ichigo Kuroski. However, it is not legal to transfer such powers to a human being. Rukia was then sentenced to death. "Bleach" goes on to tell the story how Ichigo tries to save Rukia by going into the spirit world.
The manga series "Bleach" was created by Tite Kubo. According to Anime News Network, the anime inspired a television series from 2004 to 2012 with 366 episodes. Initially, Viz Media obtained the rights in 2006, but on the same year Cartoon Network also got a programming block. All episodes were aired by 2014 in the said network.
"Bleach" movie will be released in Japan in 2018. So far, only Sota Fukushi is confirmed for the role of Ichigo Kuroski. Who do you like to play as Rukia Kuchiki and Orihime Inoue? Tell us what you think and stay tuned to GameNGuide for the latest manga updates!