"Spider Man" is slated to return on its animated series. According to the senior vice president for programming and general manager for Disney XD, Marc Buhaj, the hero is now a normal kid and the villains he is going to encounter would be clones.
Excited fans for the popular Marvel "Spider Man" Animated series will see the how "Spiderman" lived a normal life and as young Peter Parker. According to USA Today, the beloved classic superhero will render an exciting action along with an orginal sense of comedy.
"Spider Man" Animated series and its biggest villains to face are the clones that were brought forth from the dead just like his Uncle Ben. Also, for the the fans, according to Yahoo News, Dan Slott, the writer behind the clone conspiracy promises to render new elements and angles for the segment.
Slott says he is breaking the old super hero and he will replace it into a wealthy business man for the upcoming animated series. He added it's a bit scary but for him it's fun as he wrote "The Amazing Spider Man."
The original Peter Parker was an ordinary guy living down the block who trips and falls and screws up easily.The "Spider Man" Animated series and its air date will be next year and the "Spider Man" Homecoming is set to release on July 7.