'Killzone: Mercenary' Shows Off Footage

Wait a second? There's a Vita "Killzone" coming too?

Oh yeah. Announced back at 2012's Gamescom, "Killzone: Mercenary" seeks to fill the painfully empty space of shooters on the Vita that are actually good. Let us not even speak of Activision's "Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified" awfulness. Sony put out a new video on Friday telling us all about it from the perspective of Guerilla Games Cambridge Art Director, Tom Jones.

It all seems like a pretty standard "Killzone" affair, though shrinking anything from the notoriously graphic-intensive series into a handheld experience is no doubt exactly what some Vita owners are looking (hoping) for.

"I think we set ourselves the target of being the best looking game on Vita," Jones says. "We wanted to really push what we could, technically. We wanted it to stand out as part of the "Killzone" family."

As the subtitle suggests, players won't be taking the roll of a soldier this time around. As a mercenary, your primary objectives are cash and fame which, according to Jones, play a big part in both the single and multiplayer modes.

"Killzone: Mercenary" is set for a Vita exclusive release on Sept. 17, likely within a month or so of its big brother, "Killzone: Shadow Fall," on the Playstation 4.

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