Minecraft's Redstone Update Dated for Release

Next week, March 13th marks the day for when "Minecraft" gets its most massive update since "The Adventure Update." Announced at this year's Minecon, the Redstone Update is truly quite large. The majority of the updates are centered around the titular ore, the mysterious power source for much of "Minecraft's" mechanisms.

Mojang offered a taste of some of the features to be updated, including:

- Added Redstone Comparator (used in Redstone logic)
- Added Hopper (collects items and moves them to containers)
- Added Dropper (similar to Dispensers, but always drops the item)
- Added Activator Rail (activates TNT Minecarts)
- Added Daylight Sensor
- Added Trapped Chest
- Added Weighed Pressure Plate
- Added Block of Redstone
- Added Nether Brick (item)
- Added Nether Quartz and ore
- Added Block of Quartz, with half blocks and chiseled variants
- New command: /scoreboard
- New command: /effect
- Containers and mobs can have custom names
- Inventory management has been changed, for example you can drag-place items over slots
- Texture packs now have separate images for each block and item, and can have animations
- Nether Quartz Ore now spawns in the Nether
- Smooth lighting now has three settings (none, minimal, maximum)
- More detailed death messages
- Some hostile mobs now are harder in Hard difficulty
- Many, many, bug fixes
- Removed Herobrine

But these updates are just the tip of the iceberg. Expect a complete list of all adjustments and bug fixes once the update is released.

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