The long awaited anime series "Attack On Titan" Season 2 is still teasing the fans on how the story should unfold in episode 1. A lot of rumors have circulated the online world on the possible encounter of humans with Titans inside the walls.
The season finale of the "Attack On Titan" Season 1 showed a cracked wall and a face of a titan looking fiercely. It is said that "Attack On Titan" Season 2 will produce more titans with different abilities.
There is going to be a different twist in the story because in season 2, titans will be discovered inside the human premises. Moreover, new titan characters will bring thrill and suspense in "Attack On Titan" Season 2.
Master Herald reports that a beast titan has a strength ability, in which if used, the enemy will not be able to survive. Another character is the intelligent titan who is able to transform into a human or other titans. The intelligent titan, named Zeke can turn himself just like Eren. A more powerful titan is the armored titan, able to defeat other titans and many are expecting that it would make an appearance in "Attack on Titan" Season 2.
Reports have also been circling online about who really is the creator of the great wall that separates the humans from the titans. If humans are the builders of the walls, they must have had used a certain power to block the titans and prevent them from eating the humans. In a report from Gamenguide, Eren was injected with a serum by his father. In "Attack On Titan" Season 2, the power of Eren will be explained.
Viewers will have to be more patient on the final air date of the "Attack On Titan" Season 2. It is said that the premier will in January.