PlayStation 4/ Orbis: Five Things The PS4 Needs To Be Successful Next generation

The Sony PlayStation 3 is both a beloved classic gaming console and a disappointment. The system had a rough start with its extremely high price point and lack of first-party games. The system also had a "Duke" sized issue with its original controller, but the PS3 steadily got better. With the next generation of video game consoles looming on the horizon, we decided to list five things Sony needs to do to be successful out of the gate with its PlayStation 4/ Orbis. Here are the five things:

5. Motion Controls: This is my least favorite thing on the list, but the truth is there is money to be made in this area of gaming. The PlayStation Move just looks off-putting and was designed terribly. I won't say what it looks like, but yeah you know what I am talking about. The truth is Sony has done a better job integrating motion controls with hardcore games like SOCOM 4, Killzone 3 and other titles. The move just looks uncool; maybe a redesign and better camera device can make Sony the leader in motion controls for hardcore gamers.

4. Starting Price: PlayStation 4 cannot be more expensive than the next Xbox. The price point has got to be equal to or competitive with the Xbox 720 and even the Wii U. Microsoft has been testing out the subscription-based sales models with the Xbox 360 and Sony might want to try the same thing with its PlayStation Plus service. Selling the next PlayStation for $99.99 with a two-year subscription to the PlayStation Plus service at $14.99 or $9.99 per month would definitely help Sony get early adapters. Sony may also want to offer a digital only console with no optical drive at a reduced cost.

3. Integration with Tablets and Smartphones: Connecting your PlayStation Vita to your PlayStation 3 is great. The problem is not that many people have a Vita. If Sony can create a better way to integrate its new system with tablets and smartphones, owners of these devices may put their money into Sony's bank account.  Microsoft has already started to utilize these devices with Xbox's Smartglass and apps available for Android and iOS.

2. An Improved PlayStation Network: People will gladly pay for a better service. The current free model is adequate at best and leaves PlayStation 3 owners behind when it comes to the latest features and upgrades. The menus and navigation on PSN feel like a subpar product when compared to Microsoft's Xbox Live. PlayStation Plus is a step in the right direction but even that can be improved greatly.

1. First Party Games: Despite popular belief, Sony did have a couple of killer first-party titles early on in the consoles life cycle, but they were just too few and far between. But Sony has created numerous intellectual properties on the PlayStation 3 that can be moved over to the PS4/ Orbis. It is pretty simply more game a lot faster than last time. 

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