Uncharted 3: Drake's Decptions Get Free Holiday Themed DLC

Naughty Dog announced that it is releasing a special holiday gift for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. The developer is giving away a new map and some free custom avatar items for Uncharted 3 multiplayer.

Some of the silly items include Naughty Dog Co-President Christophe Balestra as an elf on a custom character shirt and matching weapon with Balestra's face embedded on them. There is also a custom Present Head Drake that can run around and cause laughter throughout the multiplayer maps.

Possibly the best thing this free DLC has to offer is the "Block Mesh Lab map," which is composed completely of polygons and was created by former Naughty Dog employee Richard Lemarchan, who is currently teaching interactive media at USC.

All of these wonderfully festive holiday items including the new Block Mesh Lab map will be available from Dec. 18, to Jan. 8, 2013. Naughty Dog will also offer the items after Jan. 8 through its weekly tournaments.

Naughty Dog also said that they have a few surprises planned for the New Year and some free stuff as well.

"We have some massive surprises we're going to color in and then let free in the New Year. Get ready for some big news and more exciting events in 2013! Be sure to visit the calendar on your stats page to check out all upcoming maps and some of our future multiplayer events. Have a safe, happy holiday season. See you online," Naughty Dog wrote on its blog.

Uncharted 3: Drake's released for the PlayStation 3, in North America on Nov. 1, 2011, and is a PS 3 exclusive. You can check out the image of Present Head Drake below... 

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