'Elder Scrolls' Latest News & Update: Bethesda's Face Could Not Be Saved For PS4 & Xbox Consoles; Gaming Subscription Sparks Fury?

'Elder Scrolls' Latest News & Update: Bethesda's Face Could Not Be Saved For PS4 & Xbox Consoles; Gaming Subscription Sparks Fury?

Recent details pertaining to the "Elder Scrolls" centers on the aspirations of Bethesda to regain their dominance by releasing new updates for its gaming segments. For one, the updates for "Skyrim Remastered" has now been affirmed for platforms such as the PS4 Pro 4K, along with the "Gold Edition" update pack.

Given the prolonged hiatus for the gaming segment, gamers are still in dismay for the delayed return of the "Elder Scrolls." Even though Bethesda has given updates to provide better game play, the gamers' are still demanding more from Bethesda.

In a post from the Digital Trends, the latest DLC pack that Bethesda is releasing for its "Elder Scrolls" segment would contain four segments. Moreover, the "Gold Edition" is one of the highly acclaimed update for the game.

The same post relayed that four DLC packs would contain "Imperial City Orsinium," "Thieves Gold," and "Dark Brotherhood." The same site cited Bethesda's announcements and according to Bethesda, "Whether you're battling for control of the capital of Cyrodiil or venturing into the secret enclaves of the Dark Brotherhood on the Gold Coast, the Gold Edition is a great way to experience the hundreds of hours of sweeping adventures across Tamriel."

A different post from mpoweruser relayed that the update is available for the "Elder Scrolls" is now working for platforms such as the Xbox One. Moreover, it would not require a gaming subscription thus debunking the rumors that the game is spawning fury for the gaming enthusiasts.

With the updates and DLC packs for the "Elder Scrolls" affirmed for users with PS4 and Xbox One consoles, the complaints set against Bethesda might be lessened.

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